Social Emotional Learning Podcast: effective classroom tools and strategies.


Inside this post: A podcast special where we talk about SEL and it's essential place in the classroom. Easy and effective tools and techniques are shared and explained.  

The Classroom Commute podcast recently invited me on for an episode ALL about Social Emotional Learning (and, guys, you know that's my JAM!!!)

Tune in above to learn more about social emotional preparedness for our young learners and the tools to teach those social emotional skills. You'll hear some of my favorites and how I use them in the classroom and in counseling.

In this episode, I stress the importance of SEL as a foundational building block for ALL learning. A student who is in crisis, or is struggling with emotional regulation, is not going to be able to access learning or academics.  Social emotional learning is the groundwork.

First, we master SEL then, we hit our typical subject areas.  

I share a lot of effective tools to get you started as you build up your social emotional teaching kit. Some tools and techniques are quick to implement; others can be taught and exercised through engaging lessons - you choose what fits!

Through the examples and explanations I hope you'll be motivated and inspired to roll out some of these proven strategies in your own classrooms!!

The Mindful Apple resource line continues to grow to develop tools to address what we are seeing each and every day in our classrooms!

We are partners in this pivotal work!

🍏Stay Mindful,
