emotional domino effect and the road map to mental health.

 Inside this post: Learn about the emotional domino effect and how to stop the spiraling of emotions. Take simple, effective steps to name emotions, identify triggers, and implement successful coping for mental health.

Ever set up a line of dominos and watched them all tip over? Or maybe you've enjoyed watching a rube goldberg machine.

This is one of my favorites:

This is a great one to share with students about NOT GIVING UP. Talk about growth mindset!! Imagine how long this took to get it just right!!

Recently, I was reflecting on the domino effect of emotions.

Many times, one emotion can trigger another emotion. This is especially common when someone does not have the skills of self awareness to recognize EMOTIONS.

For example, a student could be annoyed. Instead of naming and coping with that emotion, it begins to turn into anxiety because they are not using a productive strategy to deal with the annoyance. Anxiety can turn into anger because the feeling of "being annoyed" was fueled by the anxiety of not having control over the situation and now anger has taken the front seat.

The domino fall of emotions can feel out of one's control.

There are many emotional domino effects that can lead to negative spiraling of emotions...

Here's another example:

You have some worries that are growing at a rapid pace, rather than address/process and cope with your worries you bury them and feel anxious and grumpy with the "loose ends" of worry. Now, your worry has sprouted the companions of grumpy-ness and anxiety. You snap at a colleague, family member, or a child and now you're feeling guilty too. This guilt can lead to sadness and even helpless or hopeless feelings that things in a certain area are "too far gone..." 

Whew. Emotional dominos.


You can interrupt this process.

You can stop it before it knocks over domino after domino, spiraling emotions that feel out of control.

Insert coping strategies.

Name the emotion. 

Teach your students to name their emotions.

If they don't know the feeling, then have them describe it. Help them recognize what those emotions feel like and WHAT HELPS bringing them back to a place of CALM and peace.

Naming emotions. Identifying what triggers that emotion and then having strategies to positively cope with the emotion - that equals healthy mental status. It enables successful responses. It empowers productivity and relationships. This emotional road map is essential!!


  1. Name the emotion.
  2. Identify the triggers that bring up that feeling.
  3. What does it look like when you're feeling that way?
  4. What can help you get in a better space when experiencing that emotion?
  5. How can you be ready when faced with the emotional trigger?

This can be simplified for younger students as well

1. Name the emotion.
2. What makes you feel that way?
3. What can make you feel better?

My go-to reset during my domino fall :

deep breaths,

time and space,

process out loud,


and yes, sometimes tears.

These are the coping strategies that work for me. You and your students may overlap with some of mine and you'll also have some different ones identified to best help you.  A part of the process is figuring out what works and when.

Emotional maturity comes with time but also with teaching and practice.

Don't get stuck in the downfall of emotional dominos.

Recognize the triggers.

Learn the strategies that work for you.

Practice leads to empowerment!

🍏Stay Mindful,
